I worked up a new tshirt design this morning. What do you think? (Nothing you say will make me change it unless you can produce a copy of your art degree certificate).

Following the inverse law of tshirt sales to design effort, I predict sales of around 4-7 units.
Oh wow I think its amazing! All the children I teach (year 3) were asking me about the Bunsun burner monster hoodie I'm wearing today, this one would really scare them!
Would you consider putting it on a vest type top or maybe another hoodie for the long winter nights?
I love it. I would love it even more if Friend Bat was squirreled away on it somewhere. Friend Bat. He's quite a friend.
Sarah, I suggest you look very closely!
I say make it a tea towel and you've got a sale! Honestly, this is a perfect tea towel design!
Dat t-shoit is good; no words, no crazy slogans or injokes and no nerd humour. Just a good, interesting t-shoit design. It can be enjoyed by anyone who has no previous knowledge of webcomics or other non-mainstream materials! This is actually the kind of shirt I'd expect Beautiful Decay to sell, and they have some truly excellent designs up for grabs.
I might buy one, so notch that up to 8 units sold.
I consulted a panel of highly trained experts in and their verdict was nearly unanimous: "Magnificent!"
(The one dissenter resolutely stuck to "Fantastic!")
I have to admit I am holding out for a t-shirt with the giant bee on it. That would be truly splendid.
I love the art, but I'm waiting to see how it would work on a t-shirt. I's the kind of thing that I can currently imagine working as a poster (or teatowel, as previously poked at), but I find it hard to see sartorial-wise.
If it works well though, consider it money in the bank.
i have got an art degree but it is at my parents' house in virginia, otherwise i would scan it for you.
i wish this was in white ink on a dark color, but other than that it's pretty amazing. if i had things that went with grey shirts i would snap it up in a second. alas, my super keen sense of coordination says no. i might buy it anyway, if those are space bees.
I love it! Perfectly Halloweeny and it will be a loverly skull at a distance.
Mizufae: I tried it in "negative" but I don't really like what I draw when it's inverted. It just looks fundamentally wrong to my eye.
WFHIT: Once they are printed I will get some photos taken. It's all a matter of taste after all.
Sparkles: thank you for your reassurances.
This is definitely one of the better webcomic t-shirts I have seen. If I saw it in a regular, non-webcomic, actual store I would probably hold it up to my chest to see how it looked.
It has devil bears! One of those 4-7 units is mine!
Thanks Joe, I am really keen to make shirts that are more than just a webcomic in-joke.
bah. it is excellent, and I am in the wrong country (international shipping! disadvantageous exchange rates! aaaaagh!). hopefully this will still be around when I return to the US in 4-5 months -- it was in my shopping cart, and then I saw the little "your Visa will be charged $30" thing at the bottom and could not do it...
fortunately, it is awesome enough that I am not too worried about it being prematurely discontinued!
This is completely brilliant and staggeringly impressive! I would certainly scrape up the funds to purchase this. But I might like it even better as a poster perhaps... might better display the intricate work (and allow people to adequately stare at it without making them - and me - uncomfortable about fixating on my torso).
At any rate, a hearty declaration of approval and admiration on this design!
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