Thank you for bearing with me! I hope to take this item to the printer next week. I have also spoken to the necessary characters about a short run (probably of ten) on canvas.
I bought the 3-pack of the prints today! Joyous. I thought of only getting esther and curious orange but my roomate enjoyed gulch despite its bleak colorings and also i feel obliged to give you moneys. I cant wait for them to arrive! i shall put them in proper frames and hang them all snazzy at eye level. Will the "prease" shelley sticker come with them?
Laura, John Claude: I want to have a look at the canvas prints before I price them just to make sure sale price matches expectation. When they're here, I will notify all interested parties and I will put them on sale at a pre-determined time.
Mizufae: no guarantees with the stickers, I may not have them in my hands for several weeks.
I've been waiting for an SGR print I would really enjoy looking at day after day. I think the wait may be over!
yes! *hugs you forever*
OOOO yes I will buy that, it has beautiful colours which will go with my colour scheme!
That sure is great, Mr. Allison.
If a decade of eBay has taught us anything, its that nothing is too weird for sale.
This poster is delightful, and will make a lovely addition to my wall of web-comic stuff.
Is it possible to reserve a canvas one? Its just that I'm meant to be going away for a few days and don't want to miss it!
I'd be terribly interested in one of those. Any idea on a price?
I bought the 3-pack of the prints today! Joyous. I thought of only getting esther and curious orange but my roomate enjoyed gulch despite its bleak colorings and also i feel obliged to give you moneys. I cant wait for them to arrive! i shall put them in proper frames and hang them all snazzy at eye level. Will the "prease" shelley sticker come with them?
Laura, John Claude: I want to have a look at the canvas prints before I price them just to make sure sale price matches expectation. When they're here, I will notify all interested parties and I will put them on sale at a pre-determined time.
Mizufae: no guarantees with the stickers, I may not have them in my hands for several weeks.
oo thanks John, I'll hold off buying a poster one now then in anticipation of the canvas one!
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