Friday, July 30, 2010


Yes, who can forget my incendiary run on The Incredible Hulk in the early nineties? I was the new Todd McFarlane. Or was it the new Dale Keown? All I recall is that editor Bobbie Chase said that she had hired me "on accident" and "never wanted to see my face again". The panels below are all that remain of this acclaimed period at Marvel. The rest was destroyed in the "speculator boom".


Anonymous said...

Who knew that all my life was missing was a picture of Thunderbolt Ross inspecting some tupperware? Magical.

camelama said...

Hulk smash the BURP!

original_rundis said...

"See last issue" - That's why I never fancied superhero comics. I never, NEVER, had the referred issues.

Joe Bowen said...


K said...

This is the most adorable thing I've seen all week, with possible contest from my guineapigs.

Cadwell said...

I missed this due to moving house but am glad that I saw it before it slipped down my Google Reader into oblivion.

I see a lot of myself in the classic, early 90's, Allison era Hulk.